The Panda Patrol DAO offers a variety of utilities to our holders through a number of autonomous and decentralized systems.
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The Panda Patrol DAO offers a variety of utilities to our holders through a number of autonomous and decentralized systems.
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On-Chain DAO Governance Members of the Panda Patrol community are able to access an on-chain governance platform that grants users rights to host and partake in votings. Holders are granted voting rights based on NFTs held, and can propose vote for any aspect of the project. This system maintains complete decentralization and prolongs autonomously.
Alpha Access The Panda Patrol DAO consists of numerous sectors, one of those is the Alpha section. Both of the owners, being not only experienced crypto currency traders and investors, but they are also NFT investors and traders themselves. Through the extensive knowledge and research done by the alpha callers, they are able to provide holders with daily calls, discussions, and suggestions on upcoming and previously minted projects. The current win rate stands at about an 85% in terms of profitability, which is calculated on whether the floor price of the project had gone up or down following the caller's play. Whitelists Allocation Holders and members of Panda Patrol DAO are presented with daily whitelists allocation opportunities from doxxed and legit projects. We take great pride in only collaborating with legitimate projects thus we present our community with high conviction mints from which many are able to profit from. Split Profits Investment Fund TBA